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09 Daily Beneficial Habits Suggested by Primary Care Providers

Beneficial Habits Suggested by Primary Care Providers 

To make sure you are healthy in every possible way. It is a must to include certain habits. Obviously, these habits will not be something that has an adverse effect, right? That’s the point where many of us wonder about habits that could be beneficial. According to primary care providers, people must divide their lives into categories. 


Categorization of Healthy Lifestyle Habits 

What is our lifestyle all about? It is divided into following for most of us – morning and night routine. 

Morning Routine – The Way to Make Day Look Best

It is further divided into two – what to do right after waking up? How to start work and maintain sanity? One of the best results achieved after putting some thought into mental health will make you a happier soul. So, yeah! Try it out and let us know in the comment section below whether it helped you the way it worked for us or not. 


PS: For your ease, we have divided habits into two sections. 


Section 1: Morning – After Waking Up and Before Starting Work  

Habit 1: Waking Up Early 

Saying to wake up with the sunshine is not possible for many. That’s the reason why primary care providers, as well as highly trained physicians, emphasize waking up at a decent hour of the morning. This could be anything from 8 AM to 9 AM. 


Best doctors bring awareness of how to live a healthy life, right? They have been putting their stance on medical conferences and other places to bring awareness in this domain. For people’s optimal health care, they ask patients (as well as those who are not their patients) to understand the basics. 


In this regard, what they want us to know is about cortisol. What is cortisol though? Well, it is a hormone that helps in regulating sleeping and waking up patterns. This hormone also helps in the following areas. 


  • Immunity 
  • Metabolism 
  • Reduction in stress levels 
  • Induces energy levels 
  • Boost productivity 
  • Maximizes overall health 


Habit 2: Water Intake Before Starting a Day 

No matter how much we want, most of the times water intake is overlooked. Knowing that 60% of our bodies are covered with water. Still, we become lazy when it comes to having water, right? To make sure that you are keeping yourself hydrated. You can make use of alarms or different apps on a smartphone. 


The question however remains there – what may happen if we don’t drink enough water? 

Some of the basic signs of not taking enough water are dehydration, fatigue, lethargy, headaches, and food cravings. However, when and if you take an adequate amount of water. Everything changes. You become more active, fresh, skin gets shinier and smooth, there are no traces of fatigue or lethargy. 


PS: Taking a cup of room temperature water can do miracles. It will boost energy, keep you hydrated, and help in boosting metabolism.  


Habit 3: Exercise and Walk  

With the kind of we live and how much demanded at the workplace. We tend to forget about moving around. The same situation is when we are found at home, right? Keeping that in mind, there are different ways to get hooked on healthy habits. One of them suggested by Indus Associate doctors is to move around before setting out (for work or anything else). Take out an hour where you are doing nothing but exercise. 


What should you include in exercise?

Stretching, push-ups, cardio, and even treadmill will give multiple benefits. It is all about you! Knowing goals and exercise routine is dependent on the level. If you are a beginner you might like to start slow, rookies can increase the reps and pros can set different milestones. However, one thing is common in all levels – persistence, passion, and mindfulness. 


When it comes to walking, it can be ticked from the list at your convenience. It means you are not bound to walk in the morning. Likewise, it is totally fine if you are exercising after or before work. According to doctors, internal medicine experts, and pros of the medical field. Working out in the morning has a tremendous effect on the body. However, walking soothes and releases good hormones (hence, you can try this after work hours to sleep well). 


Habit 4: Plan Meals Beforehand 

Planning meals beforehand or once a week can save time. Doing so will give you time to manage the budget as well. It is always best to opt for healthy options for the main course and snacks. Knowing when you are allowed to have junk or unhealthy items will give a sense of achievement. That’s the reason why keeping a slot to work on the cravings will be good for mental satisfaction. 

Why we should eat healthily?

Nonetheless, despite all the knowledge about what to eat or ignore. We want to work on our health goals. Ask following or similar questions to know what you want in the end. 


- Are you on the spree of losing weight? 

- Do you want to stick to one type of nutrient? 

- Do you want to incorporate vitamins into the body? 

- What type of healthy food items would you like to add to the meal plan?


PS: Determining to get the best results, you should consult Dr. Azam who practices at Indus Medical Associates in Coachella as well as Rancho Mirage. He is best known for weight loss program and primary care physician


Section 2: Night Routine Suggested by Primary Care Providers 

Habit 5: Never Skip Breakfast 

Primary care providers ask and remind a patient to have breakfast. Avoiding or ignoring a healthy breakfast paves the way to health concerns. That is the reason why even when a patient is hospitalized, he or she is provided with breakfast. Doctors are of the point that you must take more vitamins and minerals as compared to fatty items in the morning. Proteins a fiber helps in keeping full as well as energized. 


To get perfect meal plans you should contact us at Indus Medical Associates by clicking on this link: www.indusmedicalassociates.com. Booking an appointment with Dr. Azam will allow you to take your health seriously. It works like a charm if you are obese and want to start a weight loss program with Dr. Azam. 


Habit 6: Oral Hygiene and Cleanliness 

We forget about dental hygiene, right? Maybe because we think it is not as important as physical health. Or we think it is okay to brush teeth once in the morning. Unfortunately, it is not enough! We must brush our teeth twice a day, once in the morning and then at night, before going to sleep. Besides that, it is extremely important to floss teeth after taking meals during day time. 


That way, people whom you connect with (physically and not virtually) will not avoid seeing you. Why would they avoid you anyway? Well, see it is because when we don’t take care of our oral hygiene, they start emitting a bad smell. So yes! Including flossing while practicing brushing teeth twice will keep you healthy. 


Habit 7: Go Offline at a Specific Time of the Day 

If you are one of those who belong to the online world. You may be the one who checks emails more than five to six times a day. If not, you may be hooked to social media. In either case, you have to maintain hours for relaxation. This will give you optimum productivity. Keeping phone and other gadgets away at a particular time will connect you with yourself and your beloveds on a whole new level. This time (when you put the phone away) can be named “me time”. At this time, you can choose anything from the suggested options. 


- Walk-in greenery 

- Read a book 

- Help in the kitchen 

- Cook something 

- Pick a hobby 


Habit 8: Include Reading Habit 

Reading is one of those habits that carries multiple advantages. First of all, it gives a time out from a chaotic day. Secondly, it leaves a positive impact on your mental health. Also, it boosts critical thinking, becomes the profound source of reducing stress, and prevents a decline in cognition (due to aging). Interestingly, reading does more than just help in mental health but it has amazing effects on physical health as well. With reading habits, you can even observe a good shift towards better sleep. 


Habit 9: Sleep Early to Maintain a Good Routine 

Do you know what happens when you’re asleep? According to the best doctors, it relaxes as well as recovers and unwinds minds and bodies. People who sleep less than required sleep (that is mostly 8 hours for adults) find themselves lethargic the next day. They also feel different as in not so active and agitated. 


Unfortunately, people usually miss out on sleeping patterns because of other activities. This includes binge-watching TV shows, Facebook and other social media, and even playing games online. This all leads to deprivation of sleep. 


With deprived sleep patterns mood swings, memory issues, debilitated immunity, altered eating, and even aging are observed. Sleeping on time for at least 8 hours at night may help in weight loss. This was endorsed by Dr. Azam as well in one of the programs conducted at Indus Associates. 


According to Dr. Azam, hormones are balanced with the help of a sleeping routine. For example, he along with many highly trained physicians believe that cortisol, insulin, and leptin help in weight issues.